Acoustic panels

Acoustic panels increased their presence in the decoration of public and private spaces.

Noise pollution is an issue that is valued today in the society, so we are constantly innovating and adapting to offer a solution to this issue, to reduce acoustic reverberation while providing originality, elegance and design.

In the world of architecture, work is underway to implement acoustic labels for the classification of buildings in the near future, which gives even more value to these incredible designs of our acoustic panels.

Catalogo Acusticos
Acoustic panels
Acoustic panels

Modern society generates more and more noise, which is the main agent of noise pollution. At Woodmasa we have avant-garde and effective solutions to reduce this situation that affects our comfort, coexistence, and health.

How do we achieve this? By combining a support made from recycled materials, from the automotive sector (Recipanel) or recycled PET from bottles (Silentpanel), with elegant slats of top-quality solid wood in different species, such as: oak, beech, ash, melis pine, etc., always providing an original and sustainable design.

The panel supports in both Recipanel and Silentpanel have properties to absorb sound waves and reduce reverberation and unwanted noise in spaces.

Finally, before applying the strips to the substrate, we carry out a quality control process to confirm that they meet the established acoustic performance requirements.

Acoustic panels
Acoustic panels

SILENTPANEL: It is composed of a support made of recycled PET from plastic bottles, to which varnished natural wood strips are applied, with a standard design. At the same time, we can replace the solid wood strips with any type of wood veneer or Lamitex CLPL laminate.

Our Silentpanel products are tested for sound absorption in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 354:2004 standard.

SILENTPANEL WOOD: Está compuesto por un soporte elaborado de PET reciclado, a partir de botellas de plástico, al que se le aplican listones de madera natural barnizada, con un diseño estándar. Paralelamente, podemos sustituir los listones de madera maciza por tablero rechapado en cualquier especie de madera o bien laminado CLPL de Lamitex.

Nuestro producto Silentpanel disponen de ensayos de absorción acústica según la norma UNE-EN ISO 354:2004.

Acoustic panels
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